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Hey there baby girl its been 4 years. Just sitting here thinking bout you and how much i miss you.There is not a day goes by that i do not think about you.Just the other day I was talking to Bill W about the time you and me went deer hunting together and how much fun it was just you and me in a tree waiting for a deer.And how you spotted the deer before i did and pointed it out to me.

Little did I know that I would be sitting here writting this in your memory. It has been 4 years and it still seems like a dream. there is not a day that goes by that I wish you would walk through the door and we could hug and tell each other love you. We have the kids over every other week-end and they sure are growing. You would be so proud of them. Kate is turning into the typical teen with a mouth just like any other teen. Bub is the little man who is growing into a man who likes to pick on his sisters, but is still the most well behaved. Hope is still the little diva who is growing out of it and is becomming a caring person who loves her family. Angel is having some health problems, but Shannon is on top of it and takes care of all of them. Angel is so sweet and loving and wants to always be helping others. Chris is a sweet little boy who is not as bad at causing trouble even though your Dad still calls him t-r-o-u-b-l-e. Allison is the little trouble maker now and you can not take your eye's off of her. If you do she will get into something. She looks like you.  You would be proud of them and you would be proud of Kenny and Shannon and how they care for all the kids.

I love and miss you baby girl and the pain I felt with losing you 4 years ago is never going to go away. They say it get's better with time and I am here to tell you that it does not.


my  heart   is  breaken


hey there baby girl been a while since i wrote you.but you are always in my thoughts daily.well today would have been your 31st birthday.please watch out over your big brother he needs all the help he can get right now.miss you very much. Love Daddy


Honey it has been a long time and I am sorry I haven't written. There is no excuse I can give. I have not forgotten about you and never will. You are in my thoughts everyday and in my heart and prayers. I miss you more than anyone will ever know.

The kids are getting so big and you would be so proud of them. Kate is taller than me and is so pretty. She looks just like you except she has short hair. They all came over for Christmas and Kate cooked dinner. I just told her what she needed to do for each dish she wanted to fix. We had Ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn casserole, candied sweet potatoes, rolls, green beans, relish tray, cheese tray summer sasuage crackers and deserts. She did a great job and everyone liked all the food. Shirley, Freebird, and J.J. were there and we all had fun. Pam and little Donnie came over also. The kids liked all their gifts. It would have been perfect if you would have been there to help Kate fix dinner. We talked about how much you liked to cook and how good your food always was.

Here is a pic of you and Gracie Lou we miss you both.






alyssa parrott

aunt dorthy its christmas and ur not here im so sad i almost didnt right this but i did because i love u. u will always be my favorite aunt  ill never forget you im going to ask mom if i can get u something to put on ur grave i just want u to know i love thats all

i love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hay i miss you so much you was so much fun  every since you died amber has change alot its like now that your gone  there is no light in her at all we all miss you a lot i love you anut dorthy you did not no me that well but i new u i ♥ u alot

hey ma i loved you and i alwas will you know that now i am going to let amber talk.hi aunt Dorothy i miss you very much.ma i only have 5 min.so ilove all bye



Hey baby girl it's been 3 years today. It still no different today than 3 years ago today. I still miss you very much. There isn't a day go by that i don't think about you.Some times I still think i could have done more to help you than I did. But it to late now. So I am very sorry and I hope you can forgive me.

                                     Love dad


It's been a while baby girl.Well Christmas is here again and it really sucks with out you here.Love you forever and ever.


It has been a while sence I wrote to you. Kate, Bub, Allison and Christian were here for the weekend. We all went to the store and got groceries. Then we came home and looked up reciepes and cooked just like we used to do when you were here. You would be so proud of the kids, they are just like you, they love to cook. Honey I think about you every second of every minute of every day. You are all ways in my thoughts and prayers and I will never stop loving my baby girl. Wanted to tell you also that Shirley and Freebird are getting married on May14, 2010. I only wish you were here to help us plan the wedding. I know that you are looking down and are just as happy as we are. Keep watching over all of us and know that we all miss you more than ever.


.Dorothy I know you are smiling down on your little ones because today is Hopes 9th. B-Day. She, Bub, and Angel came over and spent the night last night. We sat around and talked and remembered when they were born. They laughted alot and it is good to be able to see them laught istead of cry. They all miss you so much. Imiss you more everyday and wish I could turn back time and have you here with us again.  You are our guarden ANGEL now and are in a better happier place. It still doesn't keep my heart from breaking

hope jewel januat ann knott

mom you seen my bear she is cute like you


Hi baby girl I miss you very much.It's that time of the year when i miss you even more.My annivisary and birthday came and went.These times are very special to me because you always made a big deal about them.I just miss getting those late night calls from you.Your sissy and brother are now picking up where you left off.For this I am eternally grateful.I love you and miss you very much.

                                             With All My Love Daddy


Hi Baby Girl. Was just sitting here thinking about you and the fact that Christmas is almost here. This will be our second Christmas without you hereand it still hurts so much. I know that you would be making a big deal of it because it was your favorite Day.  This year is alittle harder for me because I just had 3 heart attacks in three days. I had one stent put in and have to go back on Jan. 5, 2009 to have another stent put in. I know that if you were here you would be taking care of me. Your Dad, Harold and Shirley are doing a great job but I still wish you were here with me. I miss you and know that you are watching over me.                        I LOVE YOU NOW AND FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!      MOM

I wrote this for you on feb.8 2008 never knew i was a poet till this...

The unbreakable promise

you promised you would never go....

I got a call one morning that you were gone....

We said it wasent true....

you would not break the unbreakable promise.....

 minutes into hours

We were all at the house....

and the call was true

you were gone....

Who will tell the kids?

   hours into days

he told the kids....

we made a cd to play when we laid you to rest...

the kids looked their best as they passed you and said good bye!

we all cried till we couldnt cry anymore...

    days into weeks

Back to work back to school....

a whole new life learning to function without you...

finally your gravestone to tell us your really gone!

     weeks into months

We all had a birthday....

the holidays came and went....

the kids still ask about you...

what is the right thing to say?

no one knows!

     months into a year

you promised you would never go....

today its been a year since you broke the unbreakable promise!


hi little me-

I heard this on a tv show tonight and thought of you....I miss you sissy and luv u very much.

Though nothing can bring back the hour
Of splendor in the grass, of glory in the flower
We will grieve not, but rather find
Strength in what remains behind.

Was sitting here thinking about you and listening to the song ""Broken"" by Lindsey Haun and remembering that it was the last movie that you and I watched together. I wish sometimes that I could turn back the hands of time and have you back. It has been 18 long months today sence you left all of us. We all miss you so much. I still cry alot because I miss you so much. I know that when you died a part of me died too. My heart is still broken and I miss you and the way we would run around together on Thursday's with the kids with us. We always had so much fun when we were all together. I will never stop missing you or loving you. You are and will alway's be my Pal. We were buddy's and did just about everything together. Miss you now and until I see you again in Heaven my special Angel!!!!!
alyssa lynn parrott

Dear Aunt Dorthy,

i miss you so much that you make me cry i love you.I had lots of fun with you. i'm crying for to come back. I never got say my last words to you I loveyouand please come back. God please take real good care of her.you was the funest person i new My last memories was when you took me swiming.



             ALYSSA                            THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!


I Dorothy I miss you so much there is so many thoughts of you in my head all the time.We had lots of memories togeather you me and all nine kids.At the time it would drive me crazy.Now I would love to have one of those days back.I know that you are still with me I feel you all around me.You are in my dreams.You know the last thing you told me was it will be alright less with your head on my shoulder and that big smile you always had i hear those words and see your face daily I love you dorthy and i miss you bad.I just dont feel like me sence you left but,you let me know that you are still here I will be here for the kids when ever they need me they remind me so much of you.Bub really does all he wants is pizza and hamburgers he has those green eyes of yours when I look in his eyes I see you.I LOVE AND MISS YOU AND WILL NEVER FORGET THE TIME WE SPENT TOGETHER tell god I said thank you forgiving me that last hour and a half with you before he took you home.


i  love  you  mom   and   dad  . and   i   miss   you   mom. mom   it  when you  left.   you  will always  be    a   good   mom !   mom   hope   rot  this.

           love ,








                       LOVE' HOPE



mom i miss you and i can not take it i have to see you  one more time .it broke mythat you left and mommy every one misses you but i miss you the most .mom i pray for you every night .and i have a bear that you sean mom i loveyou verymuch. and mom i have a c/d of your  fevorit songs . and i will talk to you later.

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