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. help me mommy August 8, 2019

no one belives me. i think im redy to be up there with you please help me mommy pleaseCryFrown love you momma

F. Perez My deepest condolences January 10, 2019

Can something good be said about death?

 It Separates friends, families and sows pain, grief and sadness. 

The Bible says that death is our great enemy. 

However, the Bible also gives us hope! 

John 5: 28, 29 as well as Acts 24:15; indicate that there will be a resurrection of the just and unjust. 

Psalm 37:29 also promises that the righteous will possess the Earth. 

Through the pages of the Bible we can acquire knowledge and guidance that help us face the loss of our loved ones…It gives us a sure hope.

Please go to the following link for more information regarding the Hope expressed in this passage

Your baby girl ( Kate Davis) Well just wanna give u an update on everything January 9, 2019
Well were do I begin
well I have three children (Haiden Blake Knott born (9-24-2015) Addalynn Lou Knott born (7-17-2017) and my last one Jaxton Lee Davis born (7-15-18) the two boys are with my husband Jeffrey Alan Davis. And addalynns with Ryan Hochmuth... Well I got married over a year ago and I love my husband and my kids with all my heart and soul.... But actually writing u cause tomorrow is ur 40th birthday and missing u like crazy and come Feb 8th ull be gone 12 yrs damnnnn that's crazy I LOVE AND MISS U SOOO MUCH MOM WISH U COULDA ACTUALLY GOT TO MEET UR GRANDKIDS THOU 
chris your favorite June 10, 2017
I love u i wish u were still here (I LOVE U SO MUCH)Tongue Out
. . August 17, 2016
I'm honestly exhausted of trying. I'm exhausted of trying to be enough for everyone. All i get is shit on... So what's the point? I honestly don't see a point anymore. All i do is mess up.. I mess up everything around me. I'm ganna mess up my future. I take after you in every way possible.. Seriously, name something about you... And you'll reaalize you're describing me as well.. I'm trying to better myself. It's just hard to do when I have so many negative people in my life, and all I ever seem to do is upset/ disappoint them. I don't have anyone.. I used to. I used to have dad, and a million other people that were there for me. For whatever I needed. Now look at me, I have Mikayla. She's the single most important thing in my life. She's more like my sister and I have no idea what I'd do without her.. She's always been there for me, always keeps my secrets, never turns her back on me although I have turned mine on her.. Many of times. I get that from you as well. Turning your back on the ones who love you the most and leaving them in the dust with the rest of the shit you just toss aside. But she understands why I do what I do.. She excepts me for who I am and she does everything she possibly can to make sure my day is well and if I'm having troubles, she attemps to fix them. Then there's him.. He's absolutely amazing and I can't see myself without him. He just simply doesn't see us that way.. Claims he does, but i have trouble letting people in and believing they care about me.. I just set my expectations to high when it comes to people and i dont want to be disappointed when he doesn't meet them because he can't.. because he has other obligations he needs to attend to. which i understand. what can i expect. its just me. and im nothing
Ally Love May 10, 2015

happy mothers day I wish you could be hear right now but you are not I love you so much 
angel Love May 10, 2015

Mom happy Mother's Day I wish u were here to celebrate with us but ur not  i love u infinity times I miss u so much and I with I could visit u  but I can't  I will  see u when my time  comes  we all love u and hope to see u soon good night mommy

You know who i am. idek yet. November 27, 2014
Hey mom. Happy Thanksgiving!!(: Not a day goes by  that I don`t think about you. I wish you was still here... I wonder all the time how things would be with you here... My life's so friggen complicated... And I only have legit 3 people to help me that  trust will ALWAYS be there no matter what the situation and won't judge me. I'm thankful for those 3 people.. They make my life soooo much easier.. I miss you.. I  love you.. 
Kate Wagner Your Oldest Just A message For you February 8, 2014
Dear Mommy,
  Welll, Seven years from now i lost the most important peron in the world and the best mom. Well Mom i have really grown up. I have like 4 Months untill i move out of dads house and into Aunt Shirley's. I know you already know all of this but i just wanna type it to you. I love you and miss you mom. Well thats all im going to say before i start to cry. Sorry it was short mom.......
Love you,
Kate Marie Wagner (your baby girl) 
Hope and amber . July 10, 2013
hey momma well me and amber is sitting together watching the storm at taylers house. And yeahhh...... Well love ya lol
alyssa aunt dorthy June 13, 2013
Well aunt dorth i miss u so much i cant even explane but i gusess thts how its gotta be but i just wish i could see u again but everytime there is a full moon i see ur face in it so i know u r watching all of us and i just wish tht when mom gose out and stuff that she makes the right chocies but she is a big girl and she can handel her self i just miss u so much tht it makes me think of u all the time and its just going to be another boring summer with out u i wish u could go camping with us this summer but i think u be there with us no matter what and i wish u were here for the family reunion and aunt dorthy can u do something for me will u tell cassandra elliott that i love her very much and i miss her and tht i will see her some day and tht she is missed and grandpa teddy and grandma debby nd grandma carol and uncle jim and tell god tht i love him and tht i will see all u guys some day and tht u r all missed but aunt dorthy i just wish u were here with us the kids miss u so much and hope is ur minnie me and she acts like u and everything she is such a good girl but i just wanted to check in and ssay hi but i think i will let you go now bc i got to go swimming with austins girlfriend and stuff so i love you very much and u will be missed best of luck up there
hope . September 30, 2012
i am sitting her with my bestfriend miranda myers i wish you would of been able to see her moma she is so pretty..... she was bubs girlfriend but they broke up moma i think you know mirandas dad atry myers.... she is so pretty mom u would like her if you got  chance to meet her!!!! <3
hope knott . August 1, 2012
Well mom its a new month and i got 21 days till school starts and i am gonna try to get honor rolll again all year..... I got cheerleading practice tommarrow.. I am looking forward to it :).. i love you momma
hopie knott stuff July 31, 2012
hey mommy its hope i love  you soooo much and i really wanted to get to see you b4 you pasted but i guess god didnt want me to. Well i got on a and b honor roll all year this year. It was pretty hard but i did it. School starts in 21 days. I want to see you momma. I just dont want to boddle stuff up anymore. I only do cause if i tell someone bout something and how i feel bout it they run there mouths to other people. But i also dont care what people think of me anyway sooo....Ummmm i need something fun todo with my summer and hang with friends... Aunt Lessie almost moved to Newlounden MOM do you know how much drama that would of been!! LOL but i think thats what she thought was best for them at the time.. I wanna see you sometime momma i just wanna leave everyone and go and spend like a whole week with you... i want to be able to hold you in my arms... i know your not a perfect human bein mom i know but thats what makes you you and thats what makes me love you :P i really  love you momma and wanna talk to you on a regular basis but with school comeing up and everything i dont think i can... ill be so bust studin for test, exams,quizes and just stuff in general lol but i love you and i am going to get off now and watch a movie with breanna and angel and allison

                                      love for ever and always,
Hope Knott life November 12, 2011

Dear mother,

                       I love you very much!! So my life is good,im got a and b honor roll. well i know i didnt say much but i love you ttyl

Hope Knott life November 12, 2011

Dear mom,

hopie knott me July 2, 2011

Hey mom 15 days till the big day!!!!!! I love u very much. I'm at grandmas and grandpas. I'm getting ready to go cook some food just like u. Momy i miss u!!!! I love u so much mommy ! I  graduated from fifth grade and im going to sixth my b-day was last month and it was fun. im 11 years old now and ive grown alot!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MOMMY I MISS U LOVE U SO MUCH 

                                                 LOVE FOREVER AND ALWAYS

                                                    HOPIE JEWEL JUANITA ANNE KNOTT :)

Ur BabyGirl Hey Mom June 12, 2011
Why Is my real dad such so dumb well I miss u mom love ya bye
AMBER WE ALL MISS U :) May 29, 2011
AMBER WE ALL MISS U May 29, 2011
HOPE KNOTT My life right now January 8, 2011

Hey mom how are you.Well i got a and b honor roll. Im so exited!!!!!!!!!!!As you know Shannon and Dad are getting married this year.YAY!!!!Then she will be my step mom.I think about you every day mom.And dont worry i will never stop thinking about you!You are my mom so.I love you very much.BYE for now

hopey knott missing you November 13, 2010
Mom i miss you very much i would die for you and i know you would do the same to.Thats cause your a very arm harted person.Mom i miss you i know your looking down at us.I a going to aunt missys pretty soon. You know what happened to her and your watching to her.omy she has bad days and good days.Mom you know the song the dance. Well i memorised it.I am getting faster at the key board.I am doing really good at school.Mom i tell aunt missy that i worry about her.She sayes babygirl dont worry aunt missy is going to be okay.Papa is really sick.He dont fell good one bit.Mom i miss you very much.Mommy i wish i could you agian.I love you very much mom good bye!!!
hopey knott My Life Now! October 24, 2010

Dad is getting married to Shannon K Matthews.They hade two kids Kyle Gage Knott,and Karson Gage Knott.You know how dad always has to have the first name start with K the middle name start with K and last name K.Well Shannon said no way were not doing that.Dad said ok. By the way there getting married on July 16 I belive.Boy do I wish you would be here for it. Shannon is really nice.But now we have 12 kids, two adults,two dogs,one hammster,two turtles,two cats.Thats all of our pets and people.I"m in fifth grade now in lincoln.My teacher is Mrs.Hall.Her real name is Chlairich Hall. well i love you bye.

hope jewel juanita anne knott basic stuff January 31, 2010

Hey mommy how you doing?I'm fine i wish who ever is puting "you know who it is "will put there real name!but ibet i know who it is but i'm not saying names . OK it starts with a d for me and it starts with a k for every bodyeles.Boy do i feel better..aquerdley HI

hopey knott loving you January 30, 2010

Hey mommy how are you.I'm fine.So hows it in heven?I bet it's fine i llllloooovvvveeee yyyyoooouuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ALLISON MOM December 27, 2009
angel broken hart December 27, 2009

My hart is broken MoM

hope a song December 19, 2009

Mom i been trying to right you a song so i bet you want to here it so here it go's

Trying to forget what life is with out you.Trying to rember what it is with you.It's always kinda confusecing but i don'tare somebody get me out of here.And i keep on trying and i'll never stop trying yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah-e-yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah uhu thank you thank you verey much. 

angel roseey September 4, 2009


angel the rose July 22, 2009
chirs missing you mommy July 2, 2009
mommy   i'm   free.
your littel girl (hope) my b-day June 16, 2009

mom i got a hannah montanah bike for my b-day and a helmet. you can see it from   up there right. love you bunches  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                                              







angel knott the rose. June 10, 2009


angel im free June 3, 2009

mommy im free.

angel the rose May 25, 2009





Angel missing you mommy May 17, 2009

I miss you mommy when will you be back?

love you mommy!

Hope Love You May 16, 2009

Here's a song for you

oh, mommy why did you go that night ,when i told you my felling were just so darn  right,why did you go on that frising ice oh mommy why,why,why,why, did you go that night oh mommy oh mommy oh mommy why                



allison m knott. i love you mommy. April 4, 2009

i will  be  here  4  you.

angel m knott. the rose April 4, 2009

your  my  mommy  ok.

by.angel m knott

allison m knott missing mommy. March 28, 2009

mommy  i love  you..

angel missingyou mommy March 28, 2009

i was criing today i love you   .by angel  m.knott

ANGEL UR 4TH KID just saing hi February 27, 2009

I will miss you badly.

ur littel sis or kate just saing hi February 27, 2009

Hi   mommy  !  Your  Daughter  kate that  will always  miss you . I LOVE YOU FOREVER AND ALWAYS MOMMY....................

hope the rose December 14, 2008

as i was saing  the rose famley  moved on in lifethis is the last one


HOPE THE ROSE 2 May 24, 2008


         THE  END.


           BY HOPE.. !!!!!!!!


Hi mommy  what  is  up ?  Are  you  having fun up  there because we just hope you are we  just want you to have  fun  because you were alway's  trying  everyone  happy  we'll  how  are you  and  my  aunt   having   fun   because i  will never  forget  anything  you  told  me i  have  been   l have   been  listening  to  your  favorite  songs  but   i   want  ask  you   something are  you  ok   with  dad  and  shannon  being  together  if  you are   ok it  is   fine.

hope the rose April 18, 2008

ones their was a flower and that flower made a mistake and she dide and all of her famlycryed and they wood not stopcring by wor good doter hope knott love ya mom

HOPE THE ROSE. October 19, 2007


someone who loved you will never get over losing u September 4, 2007
i am trying to deal with all of this but time going by isn't helping very much. u were the light of my life and were always there when i needed u   the most. I will never understand why u were taken and why i have to hurt so very much. watch over us and protect us until we are together again. i would give anything to ne able to hold u and tell u how much i love u. just to talk to u and be like it was again.
big brother i'm free August 8, 2007


Don't grieve for me, for now I'm freeI'm following the path God laid for me.I took His hand when I heard him call;I turned my back and left it all.I could not stay another day,To laugh, to love, to work or play.Tasks left undone must stay that way;I found that place at the close of day.If my parting has left a void,Then fill it with remembered joy.A friendship shared a laugh, a kiss;Ah yes, these things, I too will miss.Be not burdened with times of sorrowI wish you the sunshine of tomorrow.My life's been full, I savored much;Good friends, good times, a loved ones touch.Perhaps my time seems all to brief;Don't lengthen it now with undue grief.Lift up your heart and share with me,God wanted me now, He set me free





















Shannon Lee   Moseley

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